Love yourself this Valentine’s Day
Hello Women,
The second week of the shortest (yet sometimes can seem like the longest) month of the year is here, and with it comes thoughts of Valentine’s Day. A day dedicated to love, that has strangely mysterious origins and of course, in our modern world has become very much about candy, hearts and flowers! So, on this strangely warm February day, here in the Rocky Mountains, I am pondering all that is Valentine’s Day. Why some of us celebrate it and really enjoy the energy of this day, and of course, why some of us don’t really subscribe to the hype and consumer-focused celebration it has become. Find a cozy seat, make a drink or snack of something yummy and join me in today’s Sacred Pause. Let’s gather here, with the help of technology, and draw on the energy of a group of women, sitting in circle - coming together to chat and support each other. I’m so glad you are here.
As mentioned above, the origins of this day are a bit of a mystery. Some believe that its origins lie in an ancient pagan festival called Lupercalia, a fertility festival celebrated in mid February, to welcome spring. Then, there are the stories of St Valentine, but these too are shrouded in mystery. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three saints with the name Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. So fitting the pieces of that puzzle together becomes quite difficult! And lastly there is a Roman connection, which suggests that members of an order of priests called Luperci, would gather on this day, in a sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus (the founders of Rome) were believed to have been nurtured by a she wolf or lupa.
Despite the differing stories on the origins of the celebration, the day of love has been recognized and celebrated for a very long time. The first written record of it is in a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer from 1375, called Parliament of Foules. Following this, written Valentine’s messages are thought to have began around 1400. The oldest know message is a poem by Charles, Duke of Orleans, written to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
So Valentine’s Day really does have a long and colourful history, steeped in legend, folklore and of course, written historical records. But what does the day mean to you? Do you celebrate it, or is it just another day? Growing up in the UK, Valentine’s Day was always very much focused around romantic love. It was, in my world, reserved for couples. When I moved to North America, I was surprised that it was celebrated amongst young children, and parents and children. It seemed strange to me at first, but on reflection, I have enjoyed celebrating with my children over the years. But in the past few years I have been drawn to the idea of using this day as a gentle reminder to focus our love, not only on our partners and children, but on ourselves. What if this day was an invitation to really love ourselves? Reflecting on this, I thought of some ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day (or any day really) with attention to those we love, but also on ourselves.
Take at least an hour during the day to truly focus on yourself. We focus our attention constantly on those we love, nurturing our children, or helping our partners or friends. Try for an hour of undivided attention to yourself, or longer if you can.
Give yourself this time to indulge in something you love. Read a book, without getting up to attend to anyone else. Or take a walk with a podcast, music or audiobook. Go to a cafe and order something delicious. Practice yoga, dance, create some art, go for a run or simply have a nap! If you need a little yoga inspiration, go to the home page of this website or my YouTube channel for some nurturing and relaxing practices of yoga, acupressure and self massage. I particularly recommend my Yoga for Transformation, Mini Mood Booster, Yoga for Healthy Feet, Yoga for Tiredness and Fatigue and Journey Inwards with Savasana. All are wonderful for nourishing mind and body and bringing a little self love into your day.
If you can take half a day to yourself, you could indulge in something you have been wanting to do for a while, but never have the time or opportunity. A hike, horseback riding, watching a new movie, a massage or a long, leisurely swim.
Once you are replenished and have enjoyed some time to focus on yourself, here are some ideas of fun things to do with your kids:
If it’s still very cold where you live, making an ice tree ornament is a really nice craft to do together. You can use a heart shaped mold if you have one, or just a circular dish or plastic container. Fill it with water, add some berries or other nature inspired objects to the water. Then freeze it outside. You can also add drops of watercolour paint to colour the water. Place some yarn or string in the water, with a loop long enough to hang the finished ornament, outside of the water.
Making chocolate covered strawberries is a favourite with my kids. Making homemade chocolate sauce is super simple and when frozen strawberries are dipped in the sauce, the chocolate makes a delicious shell around the strawberry. You can also use fresh strawberries and freeze when they are covered in chocolate sauce. Here’s the recipe:
1/2 cup of coconut oil
Teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 cup of cocoa powder
Sweetener of choice to taste. I use maple syrup
Melt the coconut oil in a pot on the stove and add the vanilla and maple syrup. Add cocoa powder and whisk into the liquid. Allow to cool for a few minutes, then dip the strawberries and place them on a plate to eat when the chocolate has hardened. Super simple and super delicious!
Lastly, making little watercolour Valentine’s cards is a lovely way to say I love you, and inspire a family art afternoon. Designs can be really simple and watercolour lends itself to whimsical images or just beautiful blended colours. It’s something we do every year.
Whatever you do this Valentine’s Day, I hope you can find a little time to celebrate yourself. I know, as a homeschooling mum for many years, that making time for ourselves is often close to impossible. There is always something or someone to attend to. When a short window to actually focus on ourselves presents itself, we often don’t even know how to spend it! I remember this very well. Knowing I had an hour to dedicate some time to myself and having no idea how to spend it! So planning ahead of time, can be a great idea. Just making a plan to focus on yourself is a wonderful way to honour yourself this Valentine’s Day and bring a little self love into your life.
As always I would love to hear your thoughts on this or anything else we talk about during our Sacred Pause time together. Comment below or send me a private message on the Connect with Me page. I love to chat personally and get to know you.
Until next time.....