It’s Summer! Time to release your feet!
Hello Everyone,
It’s been a while!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the change in season. It truly feels like an expansion of earth energy in the month of June here in the Rockies, as the trees finally begin to bud and blossom. The winter is always so long in this part of the world. Those last months, (March, April and sometimes even early May) often feel like the end of a marathon! But here we are, June is finally here! Dandelions are creating a carpet of glorious yellow at our feet. The cherry blossoms are in their full, perfect glory and the lilacs are perfuming the air with their delicate scent of early summer. The ice has fully melted on the lakes and rivers and the promise of warm days ahead brings a new spring to the step!
Today I want to focus on the freedom that summer brings to both mind and body, and introduce you to the concept of earthing, and the health benefits this practice can provide. Warmer weather always means my that my feet are going to have some fun!! Boots can be put away for the next several months and I can finally wear pretty shoes and sandals again. I didn’t think too much of this when I lived in England. Sure, I wore boots in the cooler months, but they were fashion boots to complement my winter outfits. Not snow boots to stop my feet from actually freezing, with grips attached to stop me falling on the snow and ice! Ahh...the difference climate makes to life. Now I have a true appreciation of releasing my feet! Releasing them not only to cute footwear, to feel more stylish on occasion, but also to no footwear. So, what does that mean?
Barefoot living is something I discovered many years ago when I was trying to heal an autoimmune condition which was causing me pain, and interrupting my life with my young children. I read a book called Earthing by Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D and it really opened my eyes to the earth’s potential to reduce inflammation in the body, promoting healing for many conditions. As with all chronic conditions, this was just one of many techniques and healing modalities I adopted to reduce inflammation and regain my health. Earthing however, (grounding the body and mind by being in direct contact with the earth) has become a practice that truly serves my mind and body. Like yoga, it’s one of my daily go to’s (when the weather allows), for shifting energy, really moving into my body and connecting with nature. Many studies have shown that when we are in direct contact with the electrons on the earth surface, our bodies, which are electrically charged, exchange energy with the earth. This exchange leads to many physiological and psychological changes in the body. Pain relief, reduced inflammation, lowering of stress levels and better quality sleep are all benefits of earthing.
Feet on the earth, with a beautiful view!
To take this one step further, (no pun intended!) our feet are so important to our overall health and they often get overlooked. We take them for granted, realizing their significant importance only when they don’t feel good! How often have you worn a pair of ill fitting shoes, which cause pain and blisters and right there, walking along a busy city street, suddenly become acutely aware of how important your beloved feet actually are? Having freedom in our feet is crucial to our well being. Our feet also contain so many acupressure and reflex points, which correspond to all areas of our bodies. The structure and anatomy of the feet and ankles are complex and ultimately are the foundation to our bodies. Their structure and well-being impact all our movement, and the health of our knees, hips and back. Maintaining healthy feet goes such a long way to maintaining a healthy body and mind.
As the warmer weather continues and summer is just around the corner, releasing your feet to less restrictive footwear, or no footwear when possible, is a wonderful way to promote your health. Wiggle your toes into the sand at the beach. Walk in the shallows of the ocean or a tingly cold lake. Feel the dew on the grass in the morning and allow it to bathe your feet in the soft, silky moisture of first light. Just this small practice each day will provide so many health benefits. And if you want to take this further, you can incorporate short yoga practices into your week, which focus of the feet and grounding the body. Check out my Yoga for Healthy Feet on my YouTube channel here:
I also have a lovely practice of Yoga for Grounding and Centering, which will explain some of the grounding practices that can really help our entire being to benefit from the earths natural, healing energy. You can find it here:
Open to the freedom of summer this month. Release your feet and allow the season and the earth to charge your mind, body and spirit.
Feel free to chat with me in the comments below, or send me a message on the Connect with Me page of this website. I am available to answer any questions you may have regarding this blog post or any of the health, yoga and wellness topics I cover here on The Be Well Blog. You can also find me on Instagram and on YouTube. Come practice with me there, I would love to see you!
And as always if this inspired you today, please share it with a friend; it might inspire them too!
Until next time...Be Well!