Sacred North Yoga + Wellness

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The Magic of Winter Solstice

Hello Women, 

We meet again! 

 I hope you are well and finding time in this busy festive season to take a little time for yourselves, amid the often slightly chaotic days leading up to the holidays. These late December days are beautiful in so many ways: the lights adorning our neighbourhoods in a magical festive glow, the snow (here in Canada) bringing a silence to the late dawn that is so peaceful, it is enchanting. And the energy of bubbling anticipation for the joyful season ahead, cloaked in quiet reflection of the year that has passed. It really is a special time in the year. So... let’s gather here in a short, but mindful Sacred Pause and take a few deeper breaths together. Appreciating the season for all its splendour, but also honouring ourselves for the time and energy we put in to making this season special for those we love. Let’s take this time together to breathe, allowing the wonder of these last days of the year to infuse some sacred energy into our beings. The joy is everywhere, but it can get a little crazy, so finding space to enjoy the dark, cozy energy, bringing it to a self care practice and taking some time away from the busyness, is a deeply nourishing way to close the year. The days around the Winter Solstice are perfect for dedicating time to nurture the soul, so I invite you to read on to find some ways in which to honour this time and yourself at this sacred time of year. 

Let’s begin with considering the deeper meaning of these last December days, the end of the year and how taking a little time for quiet reflection and meditation can be so powerful, as we move forward into the new year ahead. 

Yesterday was the Winter Solstice. The shortest, darkest day of the year. A time when the Celtic year comes to a close and from that day, we move towards the light. The wheel of the year turns, and little by little the light returns, the days growing slowly and steadily longer, until we arrive again at the Summer Solstice. In my family it is a day of celebration! A time when we exchange small, meaningful gifts, eat good food, walk in nature and bring small offerings to the forest and the wildlife. We gather with others and enjoy a fire and more food and at some point in the day, I find a quiet window of time to reflect on the year gone by. I incorporate a short yoga practice, a meditation, an oracle card reading and some journalling. Releasing anything from the year that has not served me and welcoming new beginnings for the year ahead. I light lots of candles and give thanks for what the dark days have brought to my life: The opportunity to turn inwards and hibernate in order to create new things for when the light returns, and the outward days of spring and summer are upon us again. The earth will, as it always does, renew and rebirth and so will we. 

Moving forwards from the magic of Winter Solstice, the busyness of the holidays continue. But these days around the Solstice are powerful too. They hold the energy of the Solstice, as the year comes to an end and we can vision and hold space for what is moving towards us and coming in to being, during the months ahead. It is powerful to acknowledge what we have achieved, especially in the ever changing and challenging world we are all living in right now. Honouring the changes we have encountered around us and within us, as this time in history continues to unfold. Even small achievements and goals accomplished are to be truly celebrated. Then acknowledging the difficulties the year has brought. How we handled those and releasing any negativity we may around those thoughts and feelings. To welcome in the new, we must release the old. 

In a few days it will be Christmas, for those of us who celebrate this holiday. A busy time and often a time when those quiet moments of reflection seem like a distant memory! For some of us, it’s a time of much joy. For others, it can be a difficult time of year. Whatever your circumstances, I wish you much love and peace. If you can return to the energy of quiet reflection, even for a few minutes, during this sometimes chaotic time, it can ground and centre you through the chaos. I have a short Winter Solstice Savasana + Meditation Practice on my YouTube channel and on the home page of this website. Please feel free to practice with me during these sacred days if your world gets busy or overwhelming. There is an oracle card reading, a deeply nourishing Savasana and a light meditation to connect you to the returning light and the light within. Afterwards there are some journal prompts for self reflection. 

Many blessing to you and your loved ones at this sacred time of year. And thank you for taking this Sacred Pause with me. As always, I would love to hear from you, either in the comments below, or by message. May these last days of the year be filled with peace and joy.