Reaching for Joy

Hello Women, 

Today, I want to talk about joy. 

I do hope you will take a few minutes out for your day to join me in this Sacred Pause, to ponder this tiny word and how deeply it can impact our lives. Get comfortable and sit with me, allow your shoulders to drop a little, and take your awareness to the place between your eyebrows. Let that area broaden: feel the release in the face. Now let’s take a couple of deep, cleansing breaths. Inhale deeply and bring your attention to the feeling of joy; tune into the vibration of that feeling. Then exhale slow and steady, and let that vibration radiate out into the world. 

Let’s begin! 

I’ve been thinking about joy more that ever these days. In a world where things are changing constantly and the unknowns can take us to places that sometimes don’t feel joyful, I have been trying to make a ritual in my day to do something that brings me joy. Whether it’s just a few minutes or a full day, I’m trying to actively live in a place of joy as much as I can. So, I thought I would share some of the activities and rituals I have been practicing and working on to live in more joy:

  • I have been switching my phone off! I walk a lot (as I have two dogs), and I usually listen to podcasts on those walks. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love podcasts. I’m an audible learner and my thirst for knowledge is served so well by podcasts and audio books. I love them! However, recently I have decided to walk at least once a day, in nature with no background noise in my ears. This is a game changer! I have noticed so much more around me. Today, I watched leaves falling in gloriously autumnal showers and listened to the sound of the wind resonating through the pure quality of the papery thin leaves as they floated to the ground. Magical. Joy right there!

  • I have been meditating daily. This is something I used to do almost everyday, and then I got out of the habit. Practicing yoga daily took its place. Savasana and pranayama (breathing techniques) seemed like excellent replacements, and they are. But there is something about sitting or lying down independently of a yoga practice to just be still, that has a powerful quality. My mind is definitely clearer and this brings me joy.

  • Yoga. I practice everyday and it always brings me joy. Some poses more than others, but lighting a candle and getting onto my mat to open my body makes space in a physical sense, which then translates to the mind. This week I have a Mood Boosting - Reaching for Joy practice of yoga, acupressure and journal prompts on my YouTube channel. It is a short practice, which I have created from this exploration of ritual to actively reach for joy on a daily basis. You can find it on YouTube or on the home page of this website.

  • Hiking. I have been treating myself to getting outside of the city for a full day on the weekends, if I possibly can. Obviously, sometimes this doesn’t happen and life demands other activities, but when I can, I get in my car and drive, and there is a joy to leaving all other demands, worries or responsibilities behind. It feels freeing to get on the highway, leave the chores of home and the bustle of the city behind and watch the countryside open up around me. Then, finding a walk or a hike out in the middle of nowhere. Bliss!

I invite you to ponder what joy means to you and to work on creating a short ritual that you can go to each day, which will spark a feeling of joy for you. Once you are tuned in to that vibration, it will filter out into the other areas of your life. You are more than welcome to try one from my list above and I absolutely recommend yoga as a way to shift your energy and feel a subtle change in your vibration. My YouTube channel has many short yoga, acupressure and journaling practices. I would love you to join me there to expand upon your own wellness journey. 

Make seeking joy a daily practice, and notice the shift in how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. I would love to know how this goes! Comment below, or as always, reach out to me on the Connect with Me page. I love to connect and chat about all things health, wellness and yoga. 

Until next time....


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