It’s Virgo season - let’s get organized!
I’m Jill - Iyengar yoga teacher, blogger, wellness expert and most importantly mama to my two kids. This is my blog, a quiet space where I write about life, health, wellness, parenting and yoga.
This little space on my website started as “A Sacred Pause”, a time to rest, reflect and chat about all of the above. But during this Virgo season of organization and renewal (after the happy chaos of summer), I am drawn to shift the energy of resting and pausing to reflect, to something more upbeat and informative. A place to document my own wellness journey and to share everything I have learned along the way as a health professional, yoga teacher, energy worker and homeschooling parent. This is an informal place to seek advice, find community, share knowledge and generally be well. So... to that end, this blog is now called simply ‘Be Well’. It is my hope that you will join me regularly to learn about all aspects of health and wellness. There will be a twist of yoga and spirituality from time to time, a sprinkle of the ups and downs of life as a mum on a journey to connect mind, body and spirit and a dusting of ideas to create ease and flow in your life. We will chat and laugh, and I will do my best to be of service on your health and wellness journey.
So... let’s get organized. It’s Virgo season!
If you are not that well versed in astrology, you may not have honed in on the very subtle shift in energy that happens as one astrological sign moves into the next. I was not remotely aware of this shift for many years. But my teenage daughter is obsessed with astrology and as with many aspects of parenting, her interest sparked something in me to become more aware of how astrology can really help us in understanding ourselves and life in general. Now, I certainly would not call myself an expert in this arena, far from it... but as I have become more aware of very basic astrology, it has brought a subtle direction into my life. So, how can this astrological season assist with organization, you may ask? Read on and discover how to work with the energy of this Virgo season, as we move into Fall and let go of the wild abandon of summer.
Virgo is a sign of practicality, organization, health awareness, logic and devotion to the service of others. It is an earth sign, which signifies a need for routine and stability. So during this season, embracing the characteristics of this sign is something everyone can do. In fact, the new routines of Fall and back to school/work after the summer time calls for the energy of a new routine and the organization this season requires. It’s a win, win situation!
Here are some practical ways to embody this season and reap the rewards of working with this energy in your daily life:
Make a to do list.
Summer is a wonderful time to let go of routine and to do lists, but as we move through September and school and work resume, working with a list can be grounding. Lists assist us in remembering tasks, they provide small, incremental goals and this in turn can bring a feeling of stability into the busy season ahead.
Find a new routine.
Early mornings and the need to get out of the house promptly always run smoothly with a routine in place. Now is a wonderful time to give some thought to how a routine would help you to feel more organized and productive. Perhaps waking earlier would help? Or incorporating some exercise into a free pocket of time during the day? Would an early morning walk charge your mind and body before starting your day? Creating a healthy routine can bring organization and balance to your life.
Be of service to others.
This season is a great time to be of service in your community. Volunteering at your child’s school or simply organizing your closet and donating some items to charity, is a wonderful way to kick off Virgo season.
Focus on health and well being.
This season is an excellent time to do a reset in terms of your overall health. Summer is a time of enjoying bbqs, ice cream, iced lattes and cold beer, but as the weather cools and routines resume, taking a look at your diet and lifestyle is a great way to incorporate self care into your life. Can you exchange the ice cream for a healthy smoothie, packed with greens and protein? Embracing Virgo energy on this one is guaranteed to boost your mind, body and spirit!
Create a game plan for your academic studies or work related goals.
Virgo is all about goal setting and having a game plan. Leo, the season before Virgo, has the energy of creativity, flamboyance and passion. The energy of hot summer days. Virgo follows with its quieter, productive vibration, signalling a time for becoming more detail orientated, efficient and focused on the goals we have for the rest of the year and beyond. Journalling is an excellent way to begin the process. Getting your goals, intentions and desires for your professional life down on paper is the first step in the process, and Virgo season is perfect for this.
I hope these ideas are helpful and provide some information on how to work with the energy of the season ahead. I would love to hear your thoughts on this and how the seasonal shifts provide inspiration to your life. Comment below or send me a message on the Contact Me page of this website. You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook @sacrednorthyoga and on YouTube at Sacred North Yoga + Wellness. My Yoga for Grounding and Centring practice on YouTube is perfect for this Virgo season. Join me for an energizing practice of yoga, meditation, acupressure and self massage to create the perfect flow of this season’s earth energy.
Until next time... be well!