How to feel more positive - 5 quick hacks to bring positivity into every day.
Hello Everyone,
I hope this post finds you well and feeling cosy as we transition into the darker, cooler evenings of autumn. The true essence of the season is working its magic, with crisp cool mornings, earlier sunsets and the need for a warm, snuggly sweater on those walks through the crunchy golden leaves. It’s my favourite time of year!
Today we are going to shine a light on positivity, and how at those times when we feel a little less than optimistic and motivated in life, we can harness joy and bring more positivity into our day. As with many aspects of life, promoting joy and positivity is a practice; a skill which can be learned, applied and used consistently to create benefits and results.
So let’s dive in with some tactical and practical tools to bring positivity into the day, with five quick and easy ways to invite optimism and joy.
1). Raise your vibration.
Einstein’s work suggested that “everything is energy.” Every being, every place and every thing being made up of energy that vibrates at a different frequency. High vibrational energy is pure, feels good and has positivity attached to it. This energy feels light and full of clarity. In contrast, low vibration energy is much darker. It is dense, feels heavy, and is often associated with negative emotions such as fear, anger and jealousy. To raise your vibration is to understand when your energy is in a lower vibrational state, with feelings and emotions such as anger, envy or grief and work to shift that emotional state to a higher vibration, such as joy and gratitude. Shifting this state immediately brings positivity into your day. Ways to do this are simple and surprisingly fast! Here are a few to try:
Pop your favourite feel good dance tunes on, and dance around the living room with wild abandon. Vibration raised in three minutes flat!
Close your eyes and think of the most perfect day in recent memory, think of the people you spent it with and how wonderful the energy was. Within minutes you will increase your energetic frequency.
Get your shoes on and go outside. Walk or run and get your blood pumping. Feel the wind in your hair and get some sun on your face. Return with your vibration sky high!
My recent Five Minute Daily Practices blog post is a great starting place for working on this concept! Take a read here:
2). Up your gratitude game.
Being thankful for the parts of your life that are going well, the people who love you and the blessing you have is one of the most powerful ways to bring more positivity into your life every day. It takes just a few minutes to write three things you are grateful for in a journal, or even in your phone. Bringing attention to what is working in your life can transform your outlook completely. If you have children, a great way to bring more positivity into everyone’s day is to go around the table at dinner time and ask everyone what they are grateful for, and what was the best moment of their day. When my children were younger, we did this everyday. Maybe I will reintroduce it, because it really was a positivity boost for everyone. Making gratitude a habit is an effective way to feel more positive every day. Here is a related blog post for further reading:
3). Spiritual practice.
A spiritual practice can be anything that brings a sense of peace to our lives, or a feeling of a force that is greater than ourselves. It is a practice that deeply brings us into our true selves and connects us with our divine nature. It can be meditation, yoga, walking in nature, prayer, wild swimming, singing, gardening, artwork, playing music, drumming...the list is endless. Being present in a spiritual practice is something that can boost positivity every day. It is a beautiful way to the lift our mood, bring us to the present moment, and provide a sense of steadiness and clarity to our lives. If you already have a spiritual practice which cultivates these peaceful moments in your day, then simply making sure to prioritize it will boost feelings of positivity. If your life is lacking in the areas described, just trying one of the practices mentioned will create a strong and consistent anchor to your day. Building on this steadily will absolutely increase the joy you experience on a daily basis. For further inspiration, check out this blog post!
Being present in a spiritual practice is something that can boost positivity everyday
4). Sub your screen.
We all know that collectively we spend far too much of our precious time on screens. Between our phones, tablets and laptops, which in 2022 are required for our work and often our hobbies and downtime activities, most of us live a very screen-led lifestyle. However, reducing the time we spend on screens, even by just an hour a day, can seriously create more positivity in our daily lives. Several surveys have concluded that social media impacts the happiness of a high percentage of people. It’s effects can range from contributing to low mood and feelings of being unproductive, to actual depression. Our need for screens in so many areas of life is generally reducing our time for other healthy activities, such as movement, time spent outdoors, socializing in person or learning and enjoying new skills and opportunities out in the world. So how can we sub our screens to promote more positivity into our daily lives? Some ideas could include:
Unplug and devote some time every day to an activity that brings you joy, when you would usually be on a screen.
Read more books. Reading a great book that you just can’t put down, is such a great way to boost positivity.
Learn a new skill, such as basic foreign language conversation. There are many resources for this at your local library. Or pick up some art skills from a local artist at a community class, or even find some art resources at your library. Learning a new skill cheaply or even for free, is available to everyone.
Move more. Use your screen free time to run, swim, practice yoga, walk, play tennis, ski, the options are endless.
Being intentional about switching our phones off and substituting those screens for other activities, which engage our minds and bodies, is an amazing way to recharge and increase the joy we feel in our daily lives.
Unplug to recharge!
5). Get outside.
In my experience, this is the most simple and speedy way to harness and inject the day with positivity. Being outside, whether it’s a quick walk around the block, a longer walk in nature, raking leaves in autumn, gardening in the summer months, playing with the kids in the park or throwing a ball for your dog, lowers stress and promotes our overall well being. It is the key which can unlock the door to positivity. It doesn’t matter what you do outside, just be outside. The natural world around us is amazing, so taking time to venture outside increases our physical and mental well-bring, and when we feel good, we feel positive.
Get outside - it is the key that can unlock the door to positivity!
Taking time to be intentional about how we feel, weaving practices into our day, and taking charge of how we create positivity in our lives is a skill that will benefit our overall health and well being. My hope is that these quick and simple ideas will be easy to implement, increasing the feelings of positivity that radiate throughout your day. Give them a try and I would love to know how it goes for you. Chat with me in the comments below, or send me a message on the Connect with Me page of this website. I am available to answer any questions about the practices, or would just love to chat about health and wellness with you. You can also find me on Instagram and on YouTube. Come practice with me there, I would love to see you!
Here are some yoga, acupressure and self massage practices on my YouTube channel that also promote joy and positivity to start your journey. and
And as always if this inspired you today, please share it with a friend; it might inspire them too!
Until next time... Be Well!