Don’t Just Be A Winter Surviver, Be A Winter Thriver! - Winter Self Care Tips for Busy Souls
Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year! I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves at this busy time of year.
Today I want to bring our focus to self care, and in particular, winter self care. Whether you live in an extremely cold, harsh winter climate as I do, or experience a milder winter season, I want to take a deep dive in this blog post into the demands of the season. We will shine a light on how our bodies require a little extra care at this time of year, and how a very small amount of consciously created time can reap huge rewards for our overall health and well-being in the winter months. Make a cup of something warm and inviting, and spend a little time with me here today. Your winter self care starts here!
If someone asks us what are favourite season or time of the year is, we often gravitate to one of the three other season, aside from winter. Spring was my favourite season in the UK, here in Canada it is late summer and early fall. I’ve never been particularly drawn to winter. Obviously some people are, but most of us seem to prefer a different time of year. Winter has layers of difficulty that most of us find inconvenient at best, and really tough at worst. The cold days, long dark evenings, flu season and it’s challenges, difficult driving conditions, less outdoor time for most of us, the isolation that can occur in months of inclement weather... the list goes on. Our bodies and minds prefer the freedom of warmer weather, more outdoor time and greater ease in every day life. So what can we do to ensure that we are taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits during this time when life demand more of us? Experiencing some extreme temperatures in the -30s and -40s in the past few weeks, I decided that today was a great time to make a list of tactical self care tips and tricks, that don’t require a lot of time, but will drastically improve your winter experience. Not only will they help you survive the season, but you will thrive and even find enjoyment in the cold, dark days ahead.
Finding light in the dark.
Let’s get started!
Move It - It’s so important for our overall health and well-being to keep moving, and there’s no exception in the winter months. One could even argue that it may be more important. Exercise, or movement of any kind is vital to how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally. However, once it becomes cold and dark, the urge to sit under a blanket can become extremely strong! Now, there’s nothing wrong with rest, in fact this season certainly calls for more rest, but balance is key. For optimal health, winter demands that we strike a good balance between physical activity and restful occupations. Try movement that feels enjoyable; something that you are going to want to get off the couch for and that will bring you joy on the colder, darker days. Here’s a few ideas:
Skiing, if you live somewhere snowy.
Winter hiking in the forest, beside a frozen lake, or some long countryside walks.
Skating. There’s a magic to gliding along with the glossy ice beneath your feet.
Yoga. Try my Mini Mood Booster practice here: or go along to your local studio and practice with others.
Dance. There are so many dance classes on YouTube. I like Marnie Alton on Popsugar. She’s an Alberta girl, and she does joyful dance inspired work outs that will get your blood pumping. Take a look here:
Winter hiking is a great way to keep moving during the winter months.
Holy Hydration - We all know the importance of drinking enough water, but honestly, most of us just don’t get enough daily hydration. The optimal amount of hydration for women is approximately 2.7 litres per day, or 11.4 cups. For men it is approximately 3.7 litres or 15.6 cups. The climate in Western Canada is so dry in the winter, and hydration is crucial to feeling good. Here’s how I keep hydrated to ensure I feel my best during the winter months:
I fill a large jug of filtered water in the morning and add lemon or any other fruit I have handy. I keep it on the counter where I can see it and this reminds me to drink often. If you work from home, having a visual prompt to drink regularly is a great way to avoid being so busy that you literally forget to drink. This can of course, be translated to an out of the home work environment, by simply filling a large transportable bottle with filtered water and your fruit of choice, if this appeals to you. Having it close by through the day will definitely aid your hydration cause.
During the winter months I love to drink herbal tea and enjoy trying different flavours and brands. I also like to make my own blends and it’s fun to experiment with dried herbs to do this. Here’s one of my favourites: Add 1 tablespoon of dried nettle (I grow my own in the summer months and dry it in the fall. But you can purchase dried nettle at the health food store), and a tablespoon of dried hibiscus flowers to a tea steeping cup. Add hot water and allow the herbs to steep for at least 5 minutes. Add some raw honey to taste and enjoy the immune boosting and anti-inflammatory benefits of nettle and hibiscus.
Eat hydrating foods such as healthy soups, broths and juicy fruits and vegetables such orange, cantaloupe, cucumber and celery. Soups are not only really comforting in cold weather, they also provide warmth, nourishment and hydration. Here is a recipe I love for a warming winter soup:
Enjoy immune-boosting herbal teas at this time of year.
Be Passionate - Having a project, hobby or lifestyle activity that you are passionate about is a wonderful way to focus your attention in the darker, less outgoing months of winter. These quieter days and evenings are perfect for indulging in a passion that you simply don’t have enough time for in the light, bright, more socially filled days of summer. Maybe you love music and have always wanted to learn to play the guitar. Maybe you are a budding artist, but simply have no time to devote to your watercolours in other seasons. Or perhaps you really want to learn some Spanish for a holiday next year. Now is the perfect time! Try the app Duolingo and dream about those vacation days ahead:
No Bad Weather, Just Bad Clothes - When my children and I rode horses years ago at a ranch here in Alberta, we rode all year round, even in -30! The owner of the ranch had a saying, “there is no bad weather, just bad clothes.” It’s one that I have come to adopt in this harsh winter climate, because it’s kind of true! The appropriate clothing for the winter weather, wherever you live, is vital to your enjoyment of this season. I go out every day of the year, with my dogs, or to do some kind of outdoor exercise. In order to do this, I need the right clothes for the extreme cold. While it is often tempting to stay indoors when the weather is less than agreeable, our minds and bodies need fresh air, nature and exercise to function optimally. I can’t recommend getting the correct clothing for comfort in your winter weather, highly enough. It’s a game changer for being a winter thriver. Here is the coat that keeps the life in me in -30 degrees:
Memories of riding at the ranch, whatever the weather!
Let There Be Light - Getting enough light during the winter months can be a challenge. Seasonal defective disorder or SAD can mimic the symptoms of depression, due to lack of daylight and vitamin D. Taking a walk during your lunch hour can be helpful for getting enough daylight exposure, when darkness descends so early in the depths of winter. If you work from home, positioning your work space close to a window for optimal natural light can also make a huge difference in this season. If you think you are experiencing symptoms of SAD, your healthcare provider can organize vitamin D supplements, and a light therapy lamp may support your health during the darkest months of the year.
Optimal nature light exposure can make a huge difference during the workday.
Hygge, Hygge, Hygge - Hygge is a Danish word that does not have a direct translation to English. It is pronounced “Hoo-gah”, and it is a concept that originated in Denmark. As one of the happiest nations on earth, and one that experiences a long, dark winter, hygge is one of the components of winter thriving for the Danes. After many years of practicing hygge in my own life, I think the best way to understand it is as a state of being: finding joy in everyday life and allowing that joy to promote a feeling of abundance and contentment. Hygge is about being, rather than having. It is a mindset of cultivating experiences that bring warmth, coziness, togetherness, belonging and connection into life. This mindset is perfect for the challenges that winter can create. If you would like to know more about the concept of hygge and how it can support your physical, mental and emotional well being during the winter time, I have a blog post on how to bring hygge into your life in simple, and easy to implement ways. Read it here:
Appreciate It - Accepting and appreciating what is, is a mindset that serves us well in so many situations in life. Being at peace and in acceptance, rather than challenging something to which we have no control, creates less stress and tension in mind and body. Winter may not be your favourite time of year, but getting creative and bringing attention to what you do enjoy, will allow for appreciation. Do you enjoy warm, cozy evenings by the fire? Lighting candles and watching the snow fall outside? Walks through frost covered fields, or through snowy forests? Identifying what you do love about the season and focusing on that, will highlight aspects of winter that you like. You may even come to love it!
Don’t Resist Rest - Winter is a time when our ancestors did far less than in the warmer, summer months. With dark evenings stretching ahead, they rested and slept so much more than in the lighter, more productive months. This is in our DNA and is why we generally feel a little less energetic in the winter. So when you do feel tired, rest. Find some time to actively rest and rejuvenate, in a way that feels good to you. Wrap yourself in a warm, cozy blanket and enjoy one of those fabulous reads on your winter booklist. Try a guided meditation or restorative yoga practice, or simply treat yourself to a nap. I have a blog post about the amazing benefits of restorative yoga, you can read it here: Also, you can try these Savasana and meditation practices on my YouTube channel: and Rest truly is a gift waiting for you to accept it at this time of year. Enjoy it!
Restorative yoga is a wonderful way to rest and rejuvenate in the winter time.
Get Cozy With A Book List - Summer reading is a big deal, and we enjoy lighthearted reads at the beach or beside the pool. But winter is the season when a booklist can really come into its own. Putting the screens away on cold winter evenings and immersing yourself in the chapters of an addictive book, is pure pleasure. Here’s an article I wrote a couple of months ago, listing five books I had recently enjoyed: It might inspire you to make a list to carry you through the rest of the season.
Eat Well, Be Well - I touched on this in the hydration tip, but I will go into more detail about food here. Eating well in the winter time is a non-negotiable strategy in my life, for maintaining wellness in this season. Not only do we need to keep our bodies fuelled appropriately as the colder weather burns more calories, but we also need to consider that our food is medicine; by consuming good, nutritious food we are boosting our immune systems to optimally fight viruses and infections. We may crave more carbs during this season, but comfort food can be super nutritious and doesn’t have to be loaded with heavy carbs and sugars. Think about incorporating leafy greens, root vegetables and foods such as eggs and fish which contain vitamin D, into your diet. Sweet treats can also be healthy and satisfy that need for warm, sweet comfort. Here are some healthy, warming recipes I enjoy in the winter months: and
Connection Is Key - This cold, dark season can be particularly isolating for some, due to bad weather and often hazardous roads conditions, which may disable our ability to partake in regular social activities. Couple this with many of us still working at home after the pandemic, and winter can leave us with feelings of isolation and even loneliness. To be a true winter thriver, finding ways to connect with others is key. Even though hibernation is definitely part of these slower months, sharing quality time with others provides a balance between the quiet reflection that accompanies the season, and the sociability humans need to thrive. So if you work from home, find a friend who may share your passion for yoga and join a class together. Organize a book club or a hiking group to meet once a month. Or simply walk your dog with a friend on a weekly basis, to create some time to leave your home office; exercise, fresh air and companionship in one outing!
As we move through this winter, my hope is that some of these simple self care tips will help you cope with the demands of winter, and perhaps even create a greater love for the season that can be a challenge for many. Being a winter thriver takes just a small amount of consciously created time and effort, but the rewards are endless!
As the year comes to a close and we welcome in the new beginnings that accompany a brand new year, I would like to thank you all for supporting the healing space that is The Be Well Blog this past year. Thank you for reading, commenting and connecting with me. Also, thank you to those who have supported my teaching at Sacred North Yoga + Wellness on YouTube. And to those who join me on Instagram, your presence in my life is so appreciated. May the new year ahead bring you all peace, comfort and joy.
Feel free to chat with me in the comments below, or send me a message on the Connect with Me page of this website. I am available to answer any questions you may have regarding winter wellness or any of the health, yoga and wellness topics I cover here on The Be Well Blog. As mentioned above, you can find me on Instagram and on YouTube. Come practice with me there, I would love to see you! If you would like to receive The Be Well Blog and other health, wellness and yoga content straight to your inbox in the form of a newsletter, please leave your email address in the Subscribe box below. Sacred North News is a regular update of happenings here at Sacred North Yoga, and I would love to keep you in the loop!
And as always if this inspired you today, please share it with a friend; it might inspire them too!
Until next time... Be Well!