Sacred North Yoga + Wellness

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Reset for Winter - Working with the Seasons is Powerful Medicine for the Soul

Hello Women, 

I hope this small sliver of time, taking this Sacred Pause with me today, finds you well, grounded and moving into the spirit of winter. 

As I write, the brilliant silver orb, which is the moon (only two days ago full in the sign of Taurus) is rising above the branches of the trees in my backyard, illuminating the inky evening sky. The glow around her is magical and I can feel her energy, strong and magnetic. In other astrological events, the sun moved into Sagittarius today and the waning Scorpio intensity now gives way to a lighter, more adventurous spirit. This energy will carry us, as we move ever deeper towards Winter Solstice. So sit with me for a little while. Get comfortable, take a few deep cleansing breathes, feel a little bit of that gorgeous Luna magic bathing us in pure, silver light and join me as I contemplate the idea of taking a little time to reset for the season ahead. 

For a long time now, I have worked with the seasons in an energetic way to boost my health, and emotional and spiritual well-being. Here in Western Canada, we are blessed with four distinct seasons. Winter is our longest, with extreme cold and often lots of snow. Summer is usually hot and dry. We have a pretty odd, messy, snow melting spring, which arrives late (often late May or early June) and Autumn is short, but amazing! The colours are magnificent and it is the jewel in our seasonal crown. With these extremes in temperature and the differences they offer, I have found that as we move through them, transitioning from one to the next, my body, mind and spirit is replenished and transformed by the energy and power of the season and all it brings. On the cusp of the season ahead, I like to prepare for the transition with reflection and gratitude, some cleansing rituals to detoxify mind and body, and some goal setting for the season to come. It’s like a thank you and a celebration of the waning season, for all it has given me - the weather, the bounty that nature has brought into my life during that time, the activities I was able to do, the inspiration that was infused, the Celtic festivals I was able to celebrate and the wonder and transformation that occurred. I cleanse my home with sage or palo santo and I dedicate a yoga and energy work practice to detoxifying mind and body, in readiness for the season ahead. Then I plan for the energy of the new season - the activities I want to do, how I want to feel and how I want to celebrate the upcoming festivals of the Celtic calendar.

Working with the seasons in this way is powerful medicine for the soul. It brings appreciation for the present moment and allows us to journey through the year, as our ancestors once did. It grounds, centres and nourishes, bringing us closer to the Earth and her wisdom. 

If you would like to try the detoxifying yoga and energy work practice to let go of stagnant energy, release toxins and reset for the winter season ahead, join me on my YouTube channel or go to the home page of this website and enjoy my Yoga Detox practice. This cleansing practice of twisting postures to release and re-energize, forwards bends to let go and acupressure to move energy through the body will unwind, reset and cleanse mind and body, as you prepare for a wonderful winter season. 

If you have any questions or practices you would like to share, as we transition through the seasons, I would love to connect with you. Please leave a comment below, or go to the Connect with Me page and drop me a line. I would love to hear from you. 

May the season ahead be filled with magic for all of us! 

Until next time...